Are you interested in helping to raise funds for Aid For Japan? It could be a sponsored run, a pub quiz or simply a collection. Whether it’s fundraising via your school, university, business or on your own, it all helps to raise money for a vital cause – helping the orphans in Japan.

To help you in your fundraising activities we have a sponsorship form that you can download.

You can also publicise your event with the use of this A4 poster.

We appreciate all efforts to collection funds for Aid For Japan, but be aware of these guidelines:

Public Collections
All collections on public property will need to be both registered with your local authority and a licence obtained from them. Contact your local authority or council for further information.

Anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult when collecting money from the public.

Raffles And Lotteries
There are strict regulations that can affect prize raffles and lotteries. Visit for advice.

  1. Most small or private lotteries do nor require a licence.
  2. Society lotteries including standalone raffles do require a licence and there are legal requirements. These concern the level of prizes available, the amount of expenses that can be charged and also the way the event is organised.
  3. If the event is a quiz or competition involving skill, no registration is involved and there is no limit to the prizes that can be offered.

Returning Your Funds
If you have collected donations in cash then fill in this return form. Then pay your donations into your bank account and either:

1. Send us a cheque:
Write a cheque payable to ‘Aid For Japan’. Write your name on the back of the cheque. Send your cheque along with a completed in an envelope to:

Unit 97018
PO Box 6945

2. Pay via BACS
You can send your funds directly via bank transfer to Aid For Japan. Contact us for more details.

Please also complete our return form in so we can track your donations. This means we know how much was raised and who to thank.

Send us photos of your fundraising event and we can feature them here on the website and perhaps inspire other fundraisers!
For more help or assistance, email us via