“Lowiczanka restaurant”
23-24 King Street, Hammersmith, London W6 ORF
(Ravens Court station から徒歩3分)
問い合わせと参加申し込み:田中まで info@aidforjapan.org.uk
Tōhoku Tsunami 3rd Anniversary Fundraiser
For the benefit of AID FOR JAPAN
Tuesday 11th March 2014 17:00 – 19:00
Lowiczanka Restaurant
23–24 King Street, Hammersmith, London W6 ORF
(near Ravens Court Station)
Please join us for a fundraising event to mark the third anniversary of the Tōhoku tsunami. We watch the video that orphans had visited U.K. & 2 minutes silence.
Entrance to the event is £10 and will include a welcome and introduction by the founder of the AID FOR JAPAN charity, Miss Tanaka, together with a presentation of news clips. We will also observe a two-minutes silence to remember the victims of the tsunami, and all those who’s lives are still affected by the devastating events of 11th March 2011.
Drinks will be available during the evening, with an optional meal afterwards. Booking in advance is appreciated, and if you would like to join us for food, please let us know before the end of February.
Please send e-mail for booking to Miss Tanaka: info@aidforjapan.org.uk
All proceeds to go to AID FOR JAPAN, who supports Japanese orphans of the Tsunami: www.aidforjapan.org.uk